Friday, November 16, 2012
Sick Post Bro .....No sick
yeah feeling pretty terrible today as food poisoning from the other day left the immune system ripe for a cold to take root :( wah wah enough self pity more art
decided to treat myself to some sci fi personal time and made a list
still trying out new techniques. triangular brush. 100% opacity with no transfer effects, just some size and roundness with pen pressure. its always fun to make yourself think in basic shape and value. ill post wips soon but im too tired and sick for it now
here is the list and what followed
SMG swords became this
He was at one point bright blue
i will try and finish the list soon
this rapid ideation stuff is fun
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
i work with a big baaaaaby
who apparently is too lazy to do a google search and find my elitist livestream or the twatter account i use to promote it
i dont generally cater to beebies but i will this once
and the twitster account is
enjoy the swearing and bitchy tirades :)
kisse <3
Streaming for fun and curses
i guess this is 3 hours from tonights live stream
nothing polished but it was fun after an hour or so of really crappy noodling to figure out what i wanted to make. wow ...big surprise. a damn cyborg.
think i sold jacob earl as my 1st "boss fight" tonight. ill explain laterzzz
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Good To Be STreaming Again!
trenchcoated cyber lady! wanted her to feel a bit older. Shes a badass who has seen a lot of action and its wearing on her mind. ill finish soon and start an image without the coat. unfortunately procaster crashed while saving so the second part of the stream tonight is gone baby gone. but hell i had fun!
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Chadler Leslie Blastwell Esq.
Been a while!
super busy with the new job so not much time for personal art (and i want to keep a few things to myself for the kinda secret project)
here is a dude i painted tonight a character my friend's son and i came up with. thanks River for the fantastic name and brainstorming with me
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Monday, July 16, 2012
Colorful Bastards
sketches half hour and an hour. no real intentions of going further due to my messed up schedule right now with the move, freelance and trying to sell a house but who knows. i would like to redo the tank punch and make it more coherent or a better action packed camera angle
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Character Modeling Class: Concept Update!
the render is almost finished and i have aded a few color comps since the live stream
my favorites hve the old timey pointer finger
next step is a quick polish on whats left then clean up and tech decals :)
i think at this point i should build some new tech decals and retire this set to the public domain haha
Friday, July 13, 2012
Pixel Pushersssssssss
Warm up fun from today. i have been replaying all of the castlevania games on the DS lately and it got me really inspired.
this took too long. pixel art is tough man! i would love to do a sprite based side scroller but the amount of work to animate all of that? jeeeez
large Version here
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
CGMW Master Classes.....
Part Deux
we went with design one and i decided that he needed to be redrawn for posture and weight
here is the process so far
aaaand i realized today as my daughter sat in my lap while working that i have never drawn her before!
i must do at least one a year if not a book hahaha
Thursday, July 5, 2012
CGMW Master Classes
so here is tonight's livestream! i am doing this job for CGMA's 3d character modeling class by Manny Fragelus (dreamworks) this will be a concept for the class to model
its just a few roughs and a little head shot of a proud bearded man. he looks like he pinches women's booties when they arent lookin
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Bastard Tiger
so i stopped streaming and kept painting tonight. i need to learn to walk away at bed time :(
i almost never do ID and this was fun. i have to try more and get away from all the organic stuff i do all the time. im using this for a personal project of mine and hopefully it will help inform other designs going forward
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
me and Ryan workin' on secrets
Heres his blog where he talks all self important-like
ryan is a fantastic writer with a ton of good ideas about game design as well as the verbal skills to articulate them in a manner beyond the cursing and juvenile baby spew that comes out of my mouth.
....and he has a bald spot but you didn't hear it from me.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Friday, June 8, 2012
Its too damn late!!!
Monday, June 4, 2012
this montage is getting pretty long
Friday, June 1, 2012
just got some artist's proofs in the mail!
i really just wanted to show this one off
i finished it april of last year and felt it was (is) my only effective group scene i have ever done haha
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Monday, May 21, 2012
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Royal Robot!
it was awesome live streaming tonight! i did a bunch of weird sketches which i didnt save, and this guy. (and i worked for about 40 minutes after the stream) definitely nice to be able to get back into it. i sort of planned him as a cohort to the hunter a few posts earlier. perhaps an earlier prototype version of the cybernetics system
Monday, May 7, 2012
Sunday, May 6, 2012
New Magic Card
This card was a ton of fun. I did this one start to finish in a hotel room in Shanghai while watching bad 80s movies and insane chinese cartoons
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Hunter's Orange
Just added a ton of my friends to my blog roll you should check them out and make an evening of it :)
hunter update and more doodling on the bang bang bang
I have defined the arm under the plastic environmental protective sleeve
its supposed to be an organic synthetic material arm. it could be cool as hell to have it flip out and mutate
doing a bunch of crazy shit.
I like the elements of weird in sci fi but, had never really considered how it could fit into my own until now. sci fi should make sense but, hell, sometimes you just have to do things for the sake of cool.
and just fun in general here
Monday, April 23, 2012
Saturday, April 21, 2012
The hunt is on! slowly
ju,ping from image to image a lot lately.
i should just finish one! haha
more materials and a possible camo textile on the hunter. probably going with the tone on the right
did some serious arm stuff on her just to see if i could get it to read. you tell me if i pulled it off
i figure once she is done revamping the pet's design should be a snap
having far too much fun. the stylization is something i am enjoying more than i thought. my over ambitious detailing may kill it but i want to try keeping the style while doing a crazy detailed render
Friday, April 20, 2012
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Lunch Sketches and Some Randoms
a mobile gun platform mech

Inspired by Min's stuff a few weeks ago

Enviro practice doodle

mech i started a couple of months ago but havent had the chance to finish up ( i will i promise!)

random stuff, trying to be simple and create layers of depth with.......meh results


Bug Armor!

red wang helmet?

technical jargon

progress on baby cake's ortho

ill post more soon. i have some ideas i want to get out of my head at least in doodle form

Inspired by Min's stuff a few weeks ago

Enviro practice doodle

mech i started a couple of months ago but havent had the chance to finish up ( i will i promise!)

random stuff, trying to be simple and create layers of depth with.......meh results


Bug Armor!

red wang helmet?

technical jargon

progress on baby cake's ortho

ill post more soon. i have some ideas i want to get out of my head at least in doodle form
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